Tooth Whitening and Bleaching

You can make the saying” Teeth as white as pearls “now absolutely real for yourself!! Let others be amazed by your naturally beautiful white teeth with bleaching or whitening procedure.

Shun down your old, dull and yellow looking teeth and get completely dazzling white fashionable smile. Even if you are already blessed with a white smile you can achieve the brightest and whitest looking smile by instant whitening solution or you can get an amazing makeover of your smile in just 60 minutes without any side- effects. You can also opt for home bleaching systems where you can gradually get a transformation in 2-3 days at home.
 Using both types of bleaching system results last up to 2years or more.Very comfortable and absolutely safe
• At Impressionz Dental Care… whitening is a very common procedure hence, very affordable and competitively priced!!!